Help Us, Help Them!

Even the smallest of donations can help us save more lives and improve the lives of those already rescued.
Please see below for our bank details and a link to our PayPal account.
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Forgotten Souls Dog Rescue
BSB: 063 246
Account Number: 1041 9328
As we are a registered not for profit charity, with deductible gift recipient status (our ABN is 47 246 084 769), all donations over $2 are tax deductible!
If you require a receipt, please email us at [email protected]
Soul Savers Club
Join Up Today & Help Save Lives!

Regular sponsors and donators are a vital role of having the financial capability to save dogs, complete their vet work, provide any additional needs they may require, and successfully help them find their happy forever adoptive homes.
We would love to help so many more dogs just like Odin and with your help, we can. It’s so easy! Simply set up a regular payment from your bank account to:
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Forgotten Souls Dog Rescue
BSB: 063 246
Account Number: 1041 9328
Reference: SoulSaver + Your Name
Don’t forget donations over $2 are tax deductible!
Tax receipts can be obtained by emailing us at [email protected] or a combined receipt for all regular payments can be issued after 30th June each year.
We would also love for you to message and inform us of any contributions you make so we can thank you personally!